New School

"New School" is a program of the International Association for Sustainable Business Development (IASBD), which aims to promote, based on the Entrepreneurial Wu Xing Model, new educational paradigms, which favor the development of soft skills, for the achievement of higher levels of happiness, through the self-discovery of knowledge that arises by virtue of their own personal knowledge and individual needs. All this, in order to replace the old ones that, focused on improving the competitiveness of the student, favor the development of hard skills through the impartation of previously selected depersonalized knowledge.

To do this, the IASBD proposes individualizing teaching, having as a strategy the personalized development of the five Confucian virtues (Wisdom or ZHI, Responsibility or XIN, Justice or YI, Love for Others or REN, and Decorum or LI) through development of ten multiple intelligences: Corporal Kinesthetic, Verbal Linguistic, Musical, Logical Mathematical, Spatial, Naturalistic, Ethical, Intrapersonal, Interpersonal and Existentialist. The program proposes a cooperative educational approach, horizontal and not vertical, between the child and the teacher, where the first of them is also an active and not a passive element of the interaction between both, and the second has, regarding said interaction, a facilitating role of personalized learning.

In order to obtain virtuous citizens and not only competitive ones, the educational model proposed by the IASBD for the program comprises five phases: Sensibilization (fulfillment of purposes), Organization (fulfillment of commitments), Self-determination (obtaining animus), Interdependence (establishment of social relations) and Effectiveness (obtaining results).